Thursday, February 28, 2008


So why are all politicians lawyers? Where in our countries laws does it say they have to be? They don't but people think that they do. I don't feel they know more about law then me I just havn't tried to learn about law like they have. Politicians today are bringing America down, no not all poilticians but many. Each and every day they cut funding to schools and healthcare yet their salaries seem to grow and grow and we get taxed for it. Once America was at the forefront of new technology and innovation and still ar, but not for much longer, but why? The reason is because in countries like China the politicians aren't lawyers they are engineers, they know about science and want to advance it they aren't looking to advance their campaign.

1 comment:

robrobertson said...

Very good point. I've often wondered why all politicians are lawyers too. I mean they are supposed to be "for the people' and "by the people' yet, they are really nothing like the people they represent. How about a steel worker for president or a truck driver? Sad truth is,politics is a rich man's game. Has been and always will be.